ACA BIN2OBJ 1.10b VERSION HISTORY 1.10b: The first version to be released to the public. Not much improvement from 1.10a. Add copyright string and insert "Registered Copy" and "Unregistered Copy" to object records. Both binary bitmap and ascii text file tests work fine in test programs. 1.10a: Go through the source code completely and fix the bug that the segment name is always equal to the class name. The mysterious bug is mysteriously gone. 1.00a: First attempt to write this program. It works. Mysterious bug: sometimes the inserted data doesn't seem to be very complete in the data segment. Only a portion of a text file displays in the test program. It is possibly that the memory model of the converted .obj is not compatible with the test program. Switching memory mode eliminate the problem, but the binary image still has some unknown noises.